Creating your future-ready self!
Meet MirrorAI, a pocket-sized communication coach that gives you communication superpowers.
Person imagining about him/her future self using MirrorAI
Soft Star
Soft Star
Soft Star
Smile percentage throughout the video
Eye Contact percentage throughout the video
Total Score
How does it work?
Mirror AI is your personal speech guru
From decoding smiles to analyzing pauses and refining your 'uhhs' and 'umms', our cutting-edge technology guides you towards excellent communication.
3 Simple Steps.
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Speech Analysis
Fillers are unnecessary words like uh and "uhmm" in your speech. Try to improve your speech by reducing the amount of fillers.
The right amount of times paused while speaking makes the speech relevant, while too much makes it irrelevant.
Happy Smiling face
Happy Smiling face
Facial Analysis
Eye Contact
Your eye contact makes quite an impression, one can make a big first impression when they talk by looking straight into the opposite person.
A positive persona wins and charms all. Your smiling face can get you ahead amongst lot of people. But be sure not to over-smile.
Use Cases
Job Interviews
Ace interviews like a PRO! Shine in your “Tell me about yourself” moments with real-time insights, and feedback on expressions, pauses, and delivery.
You're at a job interview for your dream company. The question "Why do you want to join us?" comes your way.
Practice with AI to perfect your pitch that screams "I BELONG HERE!" with confidence.
Joyful people after receiving Job offer
Public Speaking
Own the stage like it’s yours. Rehearse speeches and presentations until you radiate confidence like a STAR!
You're competing to be a part of your college committee. There are a thousand eyes looking at you, for your final speech.
Practice fearlessly and embrace authenticity with AI. Transform every error into clarity, conviction, and charisma effortlessly, reflecting the leader in you.
Joyful people after receiving Job offer
Job Interview Preparation
Public Speaking Confidence
English Fluency Enhancement
Effective Networking
Casual Conversations
Presentation Rehearsals
Networking Events
Group Discussions & Debates
& more...
It’s time to level up your career with MirrorAI
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App store displaying Mirror AI App in Mobile